Ten things I’ll miss most when my daughter goes to school

Being a stay at home mom isn’t easy, but it sure is special. I truly don’t know what I’ll do without my daughter around all the time. In the Netherlands, all children start school as soon as they turn four. Which means that my daughter is halfway there. The thought of this always puts me in my feelings. While there are times I’ve thought of school bringing more breaks, in reality, it is going to break my heart. There will be so many things I’ll miss. Things I’ll want back. And times I wish I appreciated more in the moment. That’s why I’m trying hard to soak up all those moments before they go. Or at least before they become less frequent. Amongst those, I’ve narrowed it down to my top ten.

1. Morning cuddles
Every morning, I get into Jojo’s bed with her and cuddle as she slowly wakes up. Once she starts to stir and realize I’m there, she keeps her eyes closed and grins so big before nestling her head into my shoulder. Every morning, I don’t want it to end. From there, she’ll ask to read books in bed or we’ll just talk about what the day has in store. It’s so nice waking up without having to rush to get out of bed and get ready. It’s time we can just be ourselves, together.

2. Picnics in the park
Packing our favorite snacks, picnic blanket, books, and a few toys is the best when the weather is nice. We’ll find the perfect spot to set up and then alternate between reading, eating, talking, bubbles, kicking the soccer ball … whatever we feel like. All while enjoying fresh air and each other’s company. Whether it’s the weekend or a weekday, we can pack up and go whenever we want. Sometimes if it’s raining, we’ll do this inside instead. I’ll put up her Frozen tent in our living room and we’ll cram inside together. I hope she remembers these moments like I do.

3. Playground hopping
There are playgrounds everywhere in the Netherlands. From hidden slides in the woods, to large playgrounds built for all ages, they are just minutes away from each other. Discovering new spots with Jojo has been such a blast. We’ll get dressed, bike around, and find ones we’ve yet to explore. It’s not long before we’ll come across one in a nearby neighborhood that doesn’t even show up on maps. After playing there for a bit, we’ll get back on the bike in search of another one. It’s become such a fun activity to do together. My favorite part is when we see a new one in the distance and I hear her voice getting all excited, “Mommy, look! Look! Playground!”

4. Daily dance parties
Music truly is the best medicine. Especially when you’re listening to it with the ones you love. My favorite dance parties are right after Jojo wakes up from her nap. I’ll bring her downstairs and she’ll get in her tower while we prepare snack. She can be a bit moody at this time of day (and so can I), so I’ll throw some songs on. We’ll both start dancing together and singing. One thing about Jojo is she would prefer to have no clothes on for most of the day. So during these dance parties, she’s usually naked nudey. There’s nothing cuter than a little naked bottom shaking to Shania Twain or Phil Collins. It’s also the best pick-me-up for any afternoon gloom.

5. ‘Cino dates
Jojo and I discovered babyccinos a few months ago and she’s been hooked ever since. We’ll go on little dates during the week where I’ll get a cappuccino and she’ll get a babyccino (we call it a jojoccino). Sometimes, we’ll get something sweet to split too like a croissant, cinnamon roll, or a macaroon. I’ve always loved going to coffee shops, so getting to share this with her has been very special. During the weekdays, they aren’t as crowded so we can pick our favorite spots while still hearing each other talk.

6. Chores and cleaning
I didn’t realize how much I enjoyed Jojo around me while cleaning the house until I was doing it one weekend when her and my husband were out. In some ways, it was nice to be twice as productive and listen to music other than Dutch children’s songs. On the other hand, it felt like something was missing. And something was missing, my best friend. I had come to love her by my side using her own spray bottle or little wash cloth to clean the windows. I loved taking turns vacuuming the floor. I missed her sweet voice asking me what I was doing or what a different cleaning product was. Cleaning is often a dreaded topic for many people, it’s something we have to do. But to Jojo, it was just as magical as going somewhere new. It was another opportunity to learn and spend time with Mommy. We aren’t always the most efficient on our cleaning days, but the time itself is priceless.

7. Reading, reading, reading
Jojo loves to read and so do I. We’ll read several books at different times throughout the day. Especially right when she wakes up in the morning and after her nap. She’ll go through phases of wanting the same few books every time to suddenly wanting to read as many different ones as we can. It’s so special to read book after book without worrying about anywhere else we need to be.

8. Museum adventures
It’s incredible to think that any day we want, Jojo and I can hop on the train a few minutes from our house and go to an amazing museum in Amsterdam or another nearby town. Just last week, we woke up one morning and decided to catch the train to Leiden to see the Naturalis Biodiversity Center. Jojo loves all the animals there and the different kid-friendly exhibits. After exploring for a couple of hours, we headed to the train. On the way back, I watched her as she smiled, waving at the cows and horses out the window. She was swinging her legs off the chair and happily holding her peanut butter sandwich. To her, everything about the world was amazing. It really hit home for me seeing this: being able to wake up, make plans on impulse, and then execute on our own time is irreplaceable. I am so lucky to share these moments with Jojo, while having the privilege of showing and teaching her about the world every day.

9. Lazy days

Some days you just need a reset. If we’ve had a busy week or rest feels needed, we’ll stay in our pajamas and hang out all morning at home. Doing puzzles. Reading. Building blocks. Or making play dough. We have the freedom to take it easy, together.

10. Being inspired to be a better person 24/7
Having Jojo around all the time, pushes me to be a better person. From seeing the world through her eyes, to having to find new ways of keeping my patience or staying positive, I’m constantly growing. Because of her.

It’s also an incredible feeling knowing that I’m her go-to person all day, every day. I get to be there for everything right now: questions about life, the weather, helping her go to the bathroom, getting dressed, preparing lunch. I get to be by her side for all of it. I’m her person, just like she is mine.

Among the many things this teaches me, the most important is to cherish every moment. Soak it all up. You never know how much longer they’ll be around. It’s important to reflect on these moments. To feel gratitude for them. I’m so thankful for the opportunity to make amazing memories with Jojo, over and over again. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

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